Friday, August 7, 2009

One More Month??

It's looking like a month from tomorrow I could and SHOULD be in Paraguay!! Sooooo I definitely did not do everything I wanted to, but that is just how it is for me... When I have no obligations and all the free time in the world, I am the least productive. So that is a disappointment, but there is no reason to dwell. I have gotten a lot of research done for my thesis, made a few productive trips down to Blacksburg to really hammer out my thesis ideas, did some substantial work for the organization HELP Africa, reviewed some Guarani, worked out and strengthened my foot on my own and in physical therapy twice a week, but mostly I just hung out with friends and family and bummed around the house...

So I decided to make a list of things that I must do in this last month before I go back!! Things that I will be upset if not done! (I'm sorry if this isn't interesting, but it is actually necessary for me so I figured I would write it here).

- Finish proposals for both organizations willing to donate books to my library!
- Look into other international and national nonprofits that donate books
- Buy Spanish scrabble!!
- Figure out why 2 medical bills never got paid
- Talk to companies/stores that might be willing to donate backpacks for my mobile library project
- Explore PC network as a place to get books donated
- Get something for my host mom from Guarambare, Gudelia
- Get two hooks for my hammock --maybe hooks for others too? it's a good gift, so handy!
- Buy transition to democracy book for my thesis!
- Make a craft box to bring back with me

Maybe I should have a going away get together to make sure I see everyone before leaving!
Ok that's all for now. Even though I really want to go back to Paraguay, now I know how hard it is to be away from everyone and I think it's going to make that much harder to leave AGAIN! But I think I'll be happy having projects and feeling like a useful human being on this Earth.


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