Tuesday, May 4, 2010

11 months left of the Paraguayan life.

About a month ago I received an e-mail directed to my training group (G27) inviting us to our "Completion of Service" (COS) conference, which happens to be next week! As you all know, I am sticking around for another year (until next April) but I still had a strong reaction receiving this e-mail. First, Ahhhh I'm going to miss my group and why are they leaving me so soon?! (with the exception of a precious few, thanks for sticking around with me Courtney, Pooja, Paulette and Joan!) Second, wow the only thing standing between me and COS is training group G28 (because I will be COSing with G29). Third, this is a good time to think about what I WILL MISS ABOUT PARAGUAY so that I don't have the urge to jump on the plane with my training group... and maybe when I get closer to COS I'll start to think about what I WILL NOT MISS ABOUT PARAGUAY, so that I don't end up staying here forever, just kidding.. hehe... But it seemed like a good plan to me, so here is my first list.


the smell of cocido being made, the brilliant colors of the red dirt, green plants, and bright flowers, drinking terere under a tree with friends, stopping by my friends' houses and always feeling invited, the rich traditions ranging from the guarani language to making chipa and even the festivals of San Juan (FIRE!!!), the humming birds, the delicious fruits and vegetables, acknowledging every person that passes, the lack of complaining and abundant laughter, getting to decide what I do everyday (FREEDOM!), thinking outside my cultural context, taking advantage of every new opportunity, reading in my hammock, feeling appreciated and unique, surprising people with my guarani skills, wiping my hands on the table cloth, hugs from little kids, working with my library committee, making my english classes laugh at me, dancing with people of all ages, constant positive reinforcement from my bosses, my beautiful home and patio, being able to walk everywhere, the sound of a motorcycle pulling up to my house, little kids looking in my windows (unembarrassed curiosity haha), walking through the plaza, boys playing soccer at sunset, people yelling at each other in Guarani (it's comforting, not sure why..), a meal waiting for me in every house, the restaurant Caipirinha when I need something to remind me of home, cheap public transportation, fried everything (you have to admit it tastes good!), constant generosity, fresh and local foods (nothing in my freezer but ice!), rainstorms, the stars in the compania, picking fruit off trees, and simplicity.

Here is a picture of one of the things I'm going to miss, working with the library committee! Here are some of the members sitting around the municipality waiting to talk to the Mayor... One of the last photos I took with my wonderful camera .... sigh..

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