Wednesday, August 27, 2008

my first big oops.

So right now I'm in Asuncion, because I wanted to get some books about how to teach English... Turns out I'm missing a very important event in my munipicality, where they give a presentation on how all the tax money was spent from the past year. I am a horrible volunteer. BAH! I would have bet 100,000 guaranies (about 25 bucks) that this event was supposed to be Friday. BAH!! QUE MALA!

anywho, while I'm here, I figured I should post some pics... The most beautiful sunset after the fiesta patronal in San Bernadino...
My host cousins-- Richar and Veronica -- and I on a somewhat scary dock...

Yesterday we had the special olympics in my town. They have them every year but they switch locations each year, and this year it was in my town. I helped out with the preparation and with the actual event and it was a lot of fun. The kids were so happy because they all received medals after their event. I got to hand out medals to the kids and I think I had the best job. Their is this one 15 year old named Ramoncito, and he won first place and was SOOOOO happy, and it is very obvious in the following picture.

Handing out the medals to the participants!

This is one of the many ridiculously cute children in Paraguay. Her name is Bianca, She is the granddaughter of one of my coworkers in the municipality. I stopped by their house yesterday after the olympics to drink some terere. She is one year old and she walks and talks like a champ...and she has a sticker on her forehead.


uberbaldy said...

That sunset is amazing. Almost like the sun is diving beneath the earth. Then that single log sticking out of the lake by the dock sends off ripples that just barely counter the wave. Great photo. IMO

Susie B said...

Hi Julie,
I love your blog and all the pictures. Wish I could come a visit, but that's not likely ... a least not this year. I'm still praying for you and can't wait until you get home with even more pictures and stories to share. I miss you. Aunt Susie

juliebe8 said...

Thanks Scott and Susie!! Miss you all! I hope you can come visit too! Susie- I hope everything is going well with the new house!!